converting multiple nc file into single

Yongsheng Chen yochen at UCAR.EDU
Wed Mar 28 02:46:00 EDT 2007


If you have NCO package installed, you can use ncrcat to concatenate the files:

ncrcat  *.dat


On 3/28/07, Sachin Ghude <sachinghude at> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have monthly data files in nc formate for about 5 years.  I am using
> following template to access all 60 data files in GRADS and it is working.
> dset ^G:\data\%m2%y4.dat
> OPTIONS template
> Is there any function in GRADS by which I can create single NC file for 5
> years of monthly data? Or is there any utility for the same.
> Thanks in advance
> Sachin

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