problem with station data

Frank Aebly faebly1 at BIGRED.UNL.EDU
Tue Mar 27 16:03:40 EDT 2007

You can output text from a script using the 'write' command.  Check
the grads documentation for a description.  You must first set gxout
to 'print.'  Here is a script I use to output data to an ascii file:

'set gxout print'
'set prnopts %1.3f 1 1'
'set lat 10 90'
'set lon 0 360'
'd eof'
rc = write ('jfmeof.txt',result)
rc = close ('jfmeof.txt')

this script outputs the variable 'eof' to the file 'jfmeof.txt.'  the
prnopts statement formats the output as 1.3f (in C language).  In the
text file you will also get some of the character output from grads,
like 'Printing grid value' or whatever, that you can remove using
pattern matching utility like grep.


On Mar 27, 2007, at 1:28 PM, Rafael Mundaray wrote:

> Hi Ben, Do you have a script that to convert output file of GrADS
> (binary) in Format .txt or ASCII???
> Thank you,
> Regards...
> __
> Ing. Rafael E. Mundaray M.

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