how to use level values in calculation

Matt Georgescu matt1 at CEP.RUTGERS.EDU
Mon Mar 12 01:10:32 EDT 2007

John, I've pasted below a bit from one of my scripts that answers your

'open narr-a_221_19900701_0000_000.ctl'
'set z 'z
'define pressure ='val
'd ugrdprs.1'
'd vgrdprs.1'
'd tmpprs.1'
'd hgtprs.1'
'define es=0.611*exp(5423*((1/273)-(1/tmpprs.1)))'
'define e=spfhprs.1*(pressure/10)/0.622'

Note that pressure, used in the above calculation of vapor pressure, was
retrived using the 'subwrd' GrADS intrinsic function. Please check the
GrADS documentation for more:


Matt Georgescu
Graduate Assistant, Center for Environmental Prediction

ENR 201                                 Rutgers University
phone: (732) 932-3891                   14 College Farm Road
homepage-  New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA
      "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which
             difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish."

                        - John Quincy Adams

On Sun, 11 Mar 2007, John Guhin wrote:

> Hi,
>     I have a control file with z as pressure levels. How can I use the
> values of the pressure levels in calculations?
> thanks.

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