dtype netcdf

Ruth Cerezo Mota ruthmota at CICESE.MX
Fri Mar 2 09:46:46 EST 2007

Dear all,
I now this is not a new issue but here it goes:
I am trying to open a netcdf file of NARR model, and they provided an
example in order to do this, but I got an error message:
ga-> open ../ruth/monzon/soilm.1980.ddf
Scanning description file:  ../ruth/monzon/soilm.1980.ddf
Open Error:  Data file type invalid
  --> The invalid description file record is:
  --> dtype netcdf

I am using 1.8sl11 version, it is that the problem?
(because I can read anyother 'normal' netcdf files)

Any hint would be really appreciated.
Ruth Cerezo-Mota
University of Oxford
Atmospheric, Oceanic & Planetary Physics
Clarendon Laboratory
Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3PU
email: cerezo at atm.ox.ac.uk
Tel (44)1865 272920

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