Other GrADS distribution sites

Ben-Jei Tsuang btsuang at YAHOO.COM
Thu Mar 1 19:36:30 EST 2007

Dear Jeniffer:

I am also mataining a enhanced GrADS version based on v1.8SL11.
The web site can be found in

Most of new function have been implimented to GrADS v1.9 by Arlindo da

The new or enhanced functions include:

1.  UTM coordinate system is supported (not rotated mercrator projection).

2.  New functions:
1). d minv(exp1,exp2): display the minimum value between exp1 and exp2
2). d maxv(exp1,exp2): display the maximum value between exp1 and exp2
3). d if(exp1,relation,exp2,true_exp,false_exp): If the relation between
exp1 and exp2 is true, it displays true-exp. Otherwise, it displays
false_exp. The relation operator can be: "==", "!=", ">=", "<=", ">" and
"<". They are equal to, not equal to, larger than or equal to, less than or
equal to, larger than, and less than, respectively.
4). d muadv(u,T): calc -u*dT/dx, where dx has the unit of m.
5). d mvadv(v,T): calc -v*dT/dy, where dy has the unit of m
6). d mwadv(w,T): calc -w*dT/dz, where dz has the same unit as level in its
.ctl file
7). d cosz(exp,time_scale): display cosine zenith angle, where time_scale
can be "h" for hourly, "d" for daily mean and "m" for monthly mean.
8). d lt(exp): display local time in hour
9). d jd(exp): display Julian date from 1 January in year 1
10). d dayratio(exp): display daytime ratio in a day
11). d dew(vap): where vap is vapor pressure in Pa, dew is dew point in K.
12). d which(exp,con1,exp1,con2,exp2, ..., else_exp): If exp == cond1, exp1
is displayed. else if exp == cond2, exp2 is displayed, else if
....................., else else_exp is displayed.
13). d re(exp,nx,linear,x0,dx,ny,linear,y0,dy): a regrid function modified
after popular Mike Fiorino's regrid2. More details of "re" can be found in
an attached document.
14). d satvap(T): where T is temperature in K, satvap is saturated vapor
pressure in Pa.
15). set mproj aspect val

3.    Enhanced existing functions:
1). d vint(bottom, exp, top): where bottom is bottom layer pressure in hPa,
top is top layer pressure in hPa. Now, both bottom and top can be either
constant or expression.

4.    Regrid function.
The original regrid code and document are written by Mike Fiorino at
University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Program
for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison, P.O. Box 808 L-264,
Livermore, CA 94551. fiorino at typhoon.llnl.gov. 510-423-8505 (voice)
510-422-7675(fax). This enhanced version ports its version 2.0 code to
standard GrADS function and rewritten in C with the following enhancements:
1).        Port to GrADS standard functions
2).        No more restriction in the sizes of input/output dimensions.
3).        Command arguments have been reorganized to follow the conventions
used by the standard GrADS file descriptor, where the size and the locations
of output grids can be exactly described.
4).        No more an extra-x column generated as produced by regrid v2.0
due to the cyclic continuity feature in GrADS. This correction is important
for using fwrite to create binary data.
5).        The regrid domain can be smaller or larger than the input domain.
If the input domain is smaller than the regrid domain. Missing values will
be filled for the uncovered regions.

Please see the aforementioned web page for the details.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jennifer Adams
Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 3:34 AM
Subject: Other GrADS distribution sites

Dear All,
We are wondering how many other sites besides COLA are distributing a
verison of GrADS. Please don't be shy; we're not angry or jealous, just
curious -- we'd like to know where else GrADS is available. If you are
distributing a version of GrADS, please send me the URL.?/DIV>

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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