missing /usrx/local/grads/dat/tables/B3M-000-012-B table?

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Fri Jun 22 10:39:45 EDT 2007

Well, as a hack you could try a soft link to fool GrADS and see if it
returns garbage or not:
cd /usrx/local/grads/dat/tables/
ln -s B3M-000-010-B B3M-000-012-B

Honestly, all I know about BUFR tables is that they are lookup tables
for codes in the BUFR messages. I have no expertise in the difference
between all the tables, what's actually in them, nor how the BUFR
code in GrADS figures out which table to use. Better to find out who
wrote that file and ask them what's going on.

On Jun 22, 2007, at 8:11 AM, Stacie Bender wrote:

> Hi Jennifer,
> I was trying to help Bill yesterday, and the BUFR files that Bill is
> trying to read do indeed have table information encoded into them, but
> it seems that the table that is encoded into the BUFR file is not what
> GrADS is looking for.  Instead, GrADS seems to be looking for a table
> that is in a format that matches the one pasted below.
> We do have a table called B3M-000-010-B on our NCEP machines; but we
> don't have B3M-000-012-B.  Below is the top of the B3M-000-010-B table
> that we do have... does its format look familiar?  Is it something
> that
> came out of the GrADS shop?  If not, then I suppose someone here at
> must have created it, and we will have to go looking for that person.
> Lucky them.  :)
> #
> # WMO source file name = BufrTabB-11-2001.txt
> # Master Table B Version 10
> #
> #                   Reference    Bit
> # F   X    Y Scale    Value     Width     Units     Comments
> #--------------------------------------------------------------
> # Class 00 - BUFR/CREX(*) table entries
>  0;  0;   1;    0;           0;   24;   CCITT_IA5; Table A:  entry
>  0;  0;   2;    0;           0;  256;   CCITT_IA5; "Table A:  data
> category description, line 1"
>  0;  0;   3;    0;           0;  256;   CCITT_IA5; "Table A:  data
> category description, line 2"
>  0;  0;   5;    0;           0;   24;   CCITT_IA5; BUFR/CREX
> edition number
>  0;  0;  10;    0;           0;    8;   CCITT_IA5; F descriptor to be
> added or defined
>  0;  0;  11;    0;           0;   16;   CCITT_IA5; X descriptor to be
> added or defined
>  0;  0;  12;    0;           0;   24;   CCITT_IA5; Y descriptor to be
> added or defined
>  0;  0;  13;    0;           0;  256;   CCITT_IA5; "Element name,
> line 1"
>  0;  0;  14;    0;           0;  256;   CCITT_IA5; "Element name,
> line 2"
>  0;  0;  15;    0;           0;  192;   CCITT_IA5; Units name
>  0;  0;  16;    0;           0;    8;   CCITT_IA5; Units scale sign
> <snip>
> If this email is clear as mud, let me know and I will try to clarify.
> Thanks!!
> Stacie
> Jennifer Adams wrote:
>> Hi, Bill --
>> I haven't used the GrADS BUFR interface in a very long time, but I
>> think it searches for a given lookup table based on what it finds in
>> the BUFR file itself. Often tables are included along with data in a
>> BUFR file. I did a Google search on that table number and got zero
>> hits!! I would double check with your data provider, and if that
>> doesn't work, I would ask NCEP's BUFR Guru, Jack Woollen.
>> Jennifer

Jennifer M. Adams
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705
jma at cola.iges.org

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