binary raster files in GrADS

Dan Leins theedge981 at GMAIL.COM
Thu Jul 26 12:21:17 EDT 2007


Thank you for your help.  I do have a question for you though.

I downloaded the same file and tried to display the same data using the
provided control file.  However my image looks nothing like yours. Did you
just open the control file and

'd snow' ?

Or did you multiply it by 0.039etc...... to convert it to inches?  Even when
I do that, I get an image with a small contour over the central part of the
US, but nothing representative.  What commands did you use when you opened
the control file?


On 7/24/07, M.Mahakur <mmahakur at> wrote:
> Dear Dr. Dan,
> I tried to pull the following small  tarball and since it is a ONLY ONE
> band BIL I feel it could be display using GrADS.
> Looking at the Header I tried.  Please see the attached ctl and  image
> file. It is a 16 bit raster image but I feel the valid data is max 581
> (within 10 bits) kg per sqr m. I did not understand what is meant ny axis
> offset, so just ignored!
> Regards,
> Mahakur
> Dan Leins wrote:
> All,
> I am trying to download and view a gridded dataset of 24hr snowfall from
> NOAA/NOHRSC using GrADS. So far, I've downloaded the dataset in question,
> un-tarred it and briefly read through some information about the data type.
> It would appear to contain 2 files, one a text header and the other a binary
> raster file.  Does anyone know if GrADS will accept this as a data type, and
> if not, how to convert it to something a little more "GrADS-friendly"?  I've
> worked with binary files in the past so I'm aware that GrADS can use binary
> files so long as there is a control file specified, however I wouldn't even
> know where to begin looking for or creating a control file from scratch.
> The data in question can be accessed here...
> Thanks,
> Dan
> dset us_ssmv01025SlL00T0024TTNATS2007072205DP001.dat
> title test
> UNPACK 1.0 0.0
> options yrev
> #undef -9999.0
> undef 65535
> xdef 6935 linear -124.729583333333 0.00833333333333333
> ydef 3351 linear  24.9495833333324  0.00833333333333333
> zdef 1 levels 1000
> tdef 1 linear 22jul2007 1dy
> vars 1
> snow 0 -1,40,2 (0.1 kilometer per square meter)
> endvars
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