Holes in GRIB data

martynas kazlauskas mkzv at YAHOO.COM
Fri Jul 20 18:18:46 EDT 2007


I wrote a simpe perl script which downloads the
parameters from nomads servers via ftp2you
automatically (the request to
some-nomads-adress---cgi-bin/ftp2u_ and uses the
current date) myself, and I assume that it is quite
simmilar to the ones that you mention here. I have not
seen them before actually. And i ussualy use Nomads 3.
Have not seen any problems so far, except that
sometimes it doesn't download anything at all because
the server is overloaded at some time of the day. But
there were no holes in the data in my case.


--- PEEP <peep at ILM.EE> wrote:

> > Can you tell me which NOMADS server you are
> accessing? Thx, Glenn
> //nomad3.ncep.noaa.gov
> Filtering via get_inv.pl and get_grib.pl scripts
> The same happens with servers 3 & 5

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