Images for the www

claudio cortes claudiomet at GMAIL.COM
Fri Jan 26 09:40:53 EST 2007

in windows the automating process is little difficult due to windows
don't have a powerful scripting language than linux (bash), my firs
attempts of automatic image generation with grads was a long time ago
in windows, in windows you need to program large an tedious scripts,
but in linux with few lines of code you have a complete automated

The better way to make it in windows is to install de GNU tools for windows.

Best regards.

2007/1/25, Bob G <polarlow at>:
> After reading the recent post regarding grads imagery being used on
> websites, it got my interest up.
> I know very little about linux, especially at the shell/bash level. I
> guess I`ve been spoiled with the ease of point and click use of
> windows. I understand there is a windows version, but I haven`t really
> spent any time using it yet.
> I`m looking for some guides and tuition on using GrADS to create NWP
> imagery for the www, focusing on windows. It seems most online
> documentation is focused on those that are linux gurus and the like!.
> Thanks.

Claudio Cortes
Laboratorio de Meteorologia y Calidad de Aire
Centro Nacional del Medio Ambiente (CENMA)
Claudio Cortes
Meteorology and Air Quality Labs
National Enviroment Center, Chile (CENMA)

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