compiling GrADS

Patrice Dumas pertusus at FREE.FR
Mon Feb 26 17:06:11 EST 2007

On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 02:55:54PM -0700, Warren Turkal wrote:
> Does anyone have any information with regard to compiling GrADS with full
> NetCDF functionality. I have the 3.6.2-beta6 netcdf libs on my system and
> GrADS doesn't seem to want to recognize them. Does anyone have any ideas?

You may want to try what I have here:

It will search the libs on the system if you pass --enable-dyn-supplibs,
and there are other ./configure switches to specify where
netcdf, hdf, or libnc-dap are.

With the original grads-1.9b4 from COLA, you can still do something
similar with a call along:
./configure LDFLAGS="-L/some/where/netcdf/" CPPFLAGS="-I/some/where/include/netcd/"

However to use a system OPeNDAP I suggest using the tarball I provide.


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