Updated background map?

Ivan Toman ivtoman at INET.HR
Wed Feb 14 14:56:17 EST 2007

Hi Patrick!

I managed how to get password. Go to

and you need to register your pass. Type in e-mail and choose password,
after that you will recieve e-mail with instructions how to proceed. I
cannot believe I didn't see that before asking here (sorry people).

About data... Yes. Data od nomads servers is delayed, and nomads
generally are *very* overloaded machines, so they become unreliable more
and more with time. ftp2u protocol is somewhat better than dods, it
seems. But, if you need really reliable solution, you will have to
download whole data (in GRIB2 format) from other locations than nomads.
See for example:

I don't know better solution (*), but also looking for it!

(*) = small download, only for limited area of interest, without much
delay and missing data


Patrick Reuter wrote:
> Hi there,
> I cannot browse the archive neither.
>> And last. Lot of meteo-related webistes has gfs-master (0.5˚) charts
>> *before* data become available on nomad3 dods server
>> http://nomad3.ncep.noaa.gov:9090/dods/gfs_master/ How is that possible?
>> Does that server recieves delayed data, that sites takes data from
>> somewhere else or I missed something?
> Did you get any insight or answer in this ? I would be really
> interested !
> Cheers
>   Patrick
>> Thanks again!
>> Ivan

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