Compiling Grads on Ubuntu

Patrice Dumas pertusus at FREE.FR
Mon Dec 10 15:10:51 EST 2007

On Mon, Dec 10, 2007 at 06:57:05PM +0000, jcrosby wrote:
> Good afternoon everyone,
> Simple question which has eluded me for weeks now.  Does anyone have a
> good guide on how to compile  Grads on a Ubuntu system?
> I've gotten a few libraries that I think are needs, like Image libs and
> Zlib and libs similar to what you need in Fedora, but when I run the
> make it keeps crashing out.  Anyone know of good compile guides for a
> newbie user?

If you give the error messages we may be able to help. You could also
if you intend to use --enable-dyn-supplibs.

As a side note, there are known bugs in that tarball, that should be
fixed in the cvs of
though using a cvs version is not very newbie oriented.


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