.nc file - wrong coordinates

Costas Douvis cdouvis at YAHOO.COM
Mon Dec 10 12:54:00 EST 2007

Hi everyone,

I've always worked with grads format files without any problems. This is the first time that I work with .nc files and something went wrong. Those files contain CRU temperature values and they were created by a PostProc routine of the RegCM3. They are supposed to contain the CRU temperature values interpolated on my the grid of my simulation. I believe that the values are OK but the coordinates were "streched" to become orthogonal while my domain is actually a Lambert Conformal, narrow towards the equator and wide towards the pole.

My Grads version is v1.8SL11, 32-bit and I'm using SUSE-10.0.

Please tell me if there is a way to make gradsnc "understand" which one is the correct grid or how I could convert my nc files into grads format files.

Thanks in advance
Kostas Douvis

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