WW3 grib2 with GrADS and Degrib

Bill Reilly bill_reilly at COMPUSERVE.COM
Fri Dec 7 20:11:39 EST 2007

I have switched over to using grib2 data in GrADS by creating .flt and .ctl
files with Degrib... This works perfectly with the 0.5 degree GFS gribs,
but it isn't quite working right for the WaveWatch III gribs...

WW3 data works great when plotting vectors, but when I try to plot contours
it looks like crap... I'm assuming that it works for GFS data because it's
a continuous grid, where the WW3 grid is discontinuous (large areas of no
data where there is land)...

Does anybody have any ideas of how to get this to work?... I've tried every
combination of -interp and other options in Degrib with no luck...

Bill Reilly

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