compiling or pre-compiled regrid2

Dan Leins theedge981 at GMAIL.COM
Sat Aug 4 11:48:10 EDT 2007


I am trying to download and install regrid2 so I can subtract one dataset
from another. One dataset is from the NOHRSC

The other is 6km model output from a grib file.

Basically, I want to see the difference between observed precip and model
forecast precip.  I tried subtracting one from the other but the error
seemed to hint that these were two different projections and that some
regridding needs to be done.  I've never had to regrid anything before in
GrADS, so I've tried to do some reading up on how to download and install
regrid2.  So far I've downloaded the source, but I'm getting hung up on the
fortran90 compiler since I don't seem to have one installed.  Of course f77
is installed, but not f90.  Does anyone have a good place where I can obtain
a free fortran90 compiler, and if not, does anyone have a precompiled
version of regrid2 that I can use on an x86_32 machine?  I'm running RHEL 4
if that helps....

Any help whatsoever would be greatly appreciated, since I haven't gotten
anywhere on my own so far.

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