opening netcdf WRF files in gradsnc

northrop grumman sleetwx at YAHOO.COM
Wed Apr 25 11:46:06 EDT 2007

Has anyone successfully opened a WRF netcdf file
either using sdfopen or xdfopen. According to the
grads doc it should be possible but i have reviewed
the archives and have seen similar problems.

I am running v1.9b4 on a linix box.

When i use the sdfopen <netcdf filename> i get the
following error:

^Scaning self-describing
SDF file has no discernable X coordinate.

when i use the xdfopen test.wrf.ctl i get the
following error:

XDFOpen Error:  Unknown keyword in description file
  --> The invalid description file record is:
  --> dtype netcdf
  The data file was not opened.

Here is the tewt.wrf.ctl file:
DSET ^wrfout_d01_2007-04-19_01:00:00
dtype netcdf
UNDEF 1.e35
pdef  63  63 lccr  34.764 -106.942    1.000    1.000
35.  35. -106.040   1000.   1000.
xdef  593 linear -107.9   0.00450450
ydef  566 linear   33.8   0.00450450
zdef  134 linear 1 1
tdef   1  linear  1z19apr2007  1hr

According to the documentation, it is required to
state the dtype as netcdf, if i take it out then it
complains about the pdef entry.

Any help from the GrADS developers is greatly


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