UDF Dimensions

Davide Sacchetti davide.sacchetti at ARPAL.ORG
Wed Apr 11 05:57:39 EDT 2007

for what I know it is not possible ...

the ideas are:

if you just need to define a 3D var but each level does not depend on
other levels you could do a loop:
loop on Z with 'set z 1 n', use define yourvar = yourudf()

if you need all levels (eg cape calculations) perhaps you could try to
loop on X or Y (use set loopdim)

otherwise, if you really can't avoid a volume, the only solution I know
is to give the different levels to the udf as different fields (maximum
7 or 8, no more) ...


I don't know anything else ...
bye bye

On Tue, 2007-04-10 at 13:39 -0500, Mark Loeffelbein wrote:
> Can user defined functions accept a 3-D expression? GrADS only seems to pass two
> of the dimensions (x and y) if I have x,y, and z varying.
> I want the UDF to accept an expression that varies in the x,y,z, but it doesn't
> work. I have tested my UDF with two dimensions and it worked, but I can't get it
> to accept a 3rd dimension.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Mark
Sacchetti Davide
ARPAL UO3 Centro Meteo Idrologico Regione Liguria - Dir. Scientifica
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535
mail: davide.sacchetti at arpal.org   web: www.meteoliguria.it

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