help with scatter plot

Diane Stokes Diane.Stokes at NOAA.GOV
Thu Apr 5 14:45:51 EDT 2007


Mary Jo's suggestion should work...

Is there a chance you had a swap or a clear or such in your script?
(Stuff like that can sneak in if, say, you cut and pasted from an old


Laura Fowler wrote:
> Mary Jo:
> What you suggested is what I tried first. But that displays one frame at
> a time instead of acculumating the data in one plot. Thanks for your
> reply. Laura.
> Mary Jo Nath wrote:
>> Did you try something like this?
>> 'set gxout scatter'
>> 'set x 1 200'
>> 'set z 1 100'
>> t=1
>> while(t<=240)
>> 'set t 't
>> 'd a;b'
>> t=t+1
>> endwhile
>> I think you'll get different colors for the symbols, though, if you
>> don't explicitly set that inside the loop as well.
>> Laura Fowler wrote:
>>> Hello all:
>>> I am trying to create a scatter plot between two two dimensional arrays
>>> like this:
>>> set t 1 1
>>> set gxout scatter
>>> set x 1 200
>>> set z 1 100
>>> d a;b
>>> a and b are defined as a(200,100) and b is b(200,100). This works for a
>>> specific time as in 'set t 1 1'. What I would like to do is to
>>> accumulate the scatter plot for all times on one plot. If do 'set t 1
>>> 240' then I display 240 scatter plots instead of 1 plot that includes
>>> all the times. I tried to write a separate script but the same thing
>>> happened.
>>> Someone must have done this before?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Laura

Diane Stokes
Environmental Modeling Center
National Weather Service/NOAA

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