Probelem With NECP Data

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Fri Sep 29 08:45:35 EDT 2006


You have two "sdfopen" statements commented out. That accounts for the
"File number out of range" error. However, you also will need to add
"(t=1)" to the expression for the variables in files 3 and 4 since the
time coordinate in netCDF files 3 and 4 is different than that in files
1 and 2, or  you could do "set dfile 3" then "set t 1" before doing the
second plot to reset the default time coordinate.


d sqrt(pow(uwnd.3(t=1),2)+pow(vwnd.4(t=1),2))
d skip(uwnd.3(t=1),3,2);vwnd.4(t=1)


set dfile 3
set t 1
d sqrt(pow(uwnd.3,2)+pow(vwnd.4,2))
By the way, there is a grads "mag" function to compute the magnitude of
the vector wind:
"d mag(u,v)"   instead of "d sqrt(pow(u,2)+pow(v,2))".


Suraj Polade wrote:
> Can some one help me, i tokk the u-wind and v-wind data from the
> for the year 2000-2005 for the dec-feb
> and mar-apr, so i want to ploat it's as a maltipal ploat. [ i attached
> the
> .nc data and gs file] for dec-feb it is ploting but when ploating for
> mar-apr it is not ploating, actualy both the file have the same variable
> name uwnd and vwnd, that is showing error as
> Data Request Error:  File number out of range
>  Variable = uwnd.3
> Operation Error:  Error from pow function
> Operation Error:  Error from sqrt function
>  Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
>  Expression = sqrt(pow(uwnd.3,2)+pow(vwnd.4,2))
> Data Request Error:  File number out of range
>  Variable = uwnd.3
> Operation Error:  Error from skip function
>  Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
>  Expression = skip(uwnd.3,3,2)
> Cannot plot color bar: No shading information
> so please some one can help me
> Suraj D PoladeM.Tech (Atmospheric Sciences)University of PunePM&A
>> Devision IITMPune-411008
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