Problems reading BUFR file
Bob Kuligowski
Bob.Kuligowski at NOAA.GOV
Wed Sep 20 17:09:43 EDT 2006
Good catch...though, unfortunately, I still get the same result.
Another of those cases where the process of debugging reveals bugs that
one wasn't looking for in the first place :-) Thanks!
> Here's a quick guess...
> You have in your gribscan output:
> 0 05 002 (numeric) CLAT Latitude (coarse accuracy)
> 0 06 002 (numeric) CLON Longitude (coarse accuracy)
> but in your ctl file:
> xvar 6,1
> yvar 5,2
> Try changing that xvar definition in your ctl file to:
> xvar 6,2
> Diane
> Bob Kuligowski wrote:
>> I am attempting to read and display a BUFR file in GrADS. When I
>> run 'bufrscan' the output is the attached 'headers.txt' file. I tried
>> to follow the directions in the BUFR entry of
>> to produce a GrADS
>> control file, which is attached as 'testbufr.ctl'. I can open the .ctl
>> file in GrADS with no problem, but when I try 'set gxout print' followed
>> by 'd ' of any of the variables in the .ctl file, I always get "Printing
>> stations -- 0 Reports -- Undef = -979". My presumption is that the
>> variables in the .ctl file are pointing at the wrong X and Y, but I'm
>> using the files that I found in headers.txt.
>> Any thoughts? Thanks in advance...
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> Bob Kuligowski, Ph.D.
>> Meteorologist
>> NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
>> Mailing Address:
>> E/RA2 RM 712 WWBG
>> 5200 Auth Rd.
>> Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304
>> Phone: (301) 763-8251x192
>> Fax: (301) 763-8580
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> < top of gribscan output snipped - dcs >
>> 3 61 118 (sequence)
>> 0 04 043 (numeric) JULDAY JULIAN DAY
>> 0 04 004 (numeric) HOUR Hour
>> 0 04 005 (numeric) MINU Minute
>> 0 60 006 (numeric) SCSTTM SCAN START TIME
>> 0 60 003 (numeric) SCANUM SCAN NUMBER
>> 0 60 004 (numeric) NUMSCEN NUMBER OF SCENES IN SCAN
>> 0 05 002 (numeric) CLAT Latitude (coarse accuracy)
>> 0 06 002 (numeric) CLON Longitude (coarse accuracy)
>> 0 60 005 (numeric) SCENEN SCENE NUMBER
>> 0 60 093 (numeric) RF1 Rain Flag 1 (Odd Scan)
>> 0 60 094 (numeric) RF2 Rain Flag 2 (Odd Scan)
>> 0 60 162 (numeric) RR Rain Rate
>> 0 60 090 (numeric) SURFTG SURFACE TAG
>> 0 60 163 (numeric) LSURFTY L Surface Type
>> 0 60 175 (numeric) SNWDPTH SNOW DEPTH
>> 0 60 165 (numeric) LSOILM L Soil Moisture
>> 0 60 166 (numeric) LSURFTM L Surface Temp
>> 0 60 167 (numeric) ICSNEDG Ice/Snow Edge
>> 0 60 168 (numeric) ICONC Ice Concentration
>> 0 60 169 (numeric) ICEAGE Ice Age
>> 0 60 170 (numeric) OSWSF Ocean Surface Wind Speed Flag
>> 0 60 171 (numeric) OWV Ocean Water Vapor
>> 0 60 172 (numeric) OSWS Ocean Surface Wind Speed
>> 0 60 173 (numeric) OCW Ocean Cloud Water
>> 0 60 174 (numeric) OCA Ocean Cloud Amount
>> 0 60 164 (numeric) SSWC Surf Snow Water Content
> < bulk of gribscan output snipped - dcs >
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> dset ^../Data/NPR.EDEB.SA.D06263.S0549.E0735.B1508081.NS
>> title Test BUFR description file
>> undef -979
>> dtype bufr
>> stid 1,198
>> xvar 6,1
>> yvar 5,2
>> tvar yr 4,1 mo 4,2 dy 4,3 hr 4,4 mn 4,5
>> stid 1 1
>> tdef 1 LINEAR 13:00Z01SEP2006 1hr
>> vars 20
>> slon 0 6,2 Station longitude
>> slat 0 5,2 Station latitude
>> scenen 0 60,005 Scene number
>> rf1 0 60,093 Rain flag 1
>> rf2 0 60,094 Rain flag 2
>> rainrate 0 60,162 Rain Rate
>> surftg 0 60,090 Surface tag
>> lsurty 0 60,163 L Surface type
>> snwdpth 0 60,175 Snow depth
>> lsoilm 0 60,165 L Soil moisture
>> lsurftm 0 60,166 L Surface temp
>> icsnedg 0 60,167 Ice/snow edge
>> iconc 0 60,168 Ice concentration
>> iceage 0 60,169 Ice age
>> oswsf 0 60,170 Ocean surface wind speed flag
>> owv 0 60,171 Ocean water vapor
>> osws 0 60,172 Ocean surface wind speed
>> ocw 0 60,173 Ocean cloud water
>> oca 0 60,174 Ocean cloud amount
>> sswc 0 60,164 Surf cnow water content
>> endvars
> --
> Diane Stokes
> Environmental Modeling Center
> National Weather Service/NOAA
Bob Kuligowski, Ph.D.
NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)
Mailing Address:
5200 Auth Rd.
Camp Springs, MD 20746-4304
Phone: (301) 763-8251x192
Fax: (301) 763-8580
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