Problems reading BUFR file

Bob Kuligowski Bob.Kuligowski at NOAA.GOV
Wed Sep 20 15:58:54 EDT 2006

    I am attempting to read and display a BUFR file in GrADS.  When I
run 'bufrscan' the output is the attached 'headers.txt' file.  I tried
to follow the directions in the BUFR entry of to produce a GrADS
control file, which is attached as 'testbufr.ctl'.  I can open the .ctl
file in GrADS with no problem, but when I try 'set gxout print' followed
by 'd ' of any of the variables in the .ctl file, I always get "Printing
stations -- 0 Reports -- Undef = -979".  My presumption is that the
variables in the .ctl file are pointing at the wrong X and Y, but I'm
using the files that I found in headers.txt.

    Any thoughts?  Thanks in advance...


Bob Kuligowski, Ph.D.
NOAA/NESDIS/Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR)

Mailing Address:
E/RA2   RM 712 WWBG
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Camp Springs, MD  20746-4304

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