PDEF, rotated poles and binary file(s) (was: Re: Rotated poles, HIRLAM GRIB and GrADS)

Tero Siili tsiili at ESA.NASCOM.NASA.GOV
Wed Sep 13 15:05:36 EDT 2006

On 12 Sep 2006, at 16:38, Wesley Ebisuzaki wrote:

> Tero,
>     GrADS can do arbitrary grids.   You use the PDEF file or PDEF
> bilin
> option.  All it needs is a binary file that specifies how to go
> from the
> internal
> grid to the external grid (rotated pole).

Thanks to Wesley for this response and the replies offline.

To move to the practical implementation, is out there anyone who has
actually used GrADS and the PDEF entry for this type of purpose and
might even provide me with either further advice in or even sample
Fortran code for generating the needed binary file for the "PDEF
file" or "PDEF bilin" approach?

I have read the PDEF documentation, but to me it does not specify the
approach (for this application, anyway) in sufficient detail and I am
a bit in a hurry to do lots of trial and error; hence pointers,
advice or samples would be extremely helpful.

Tero Siili

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