ctl templates

Jose Augusto Paixao Veiga jaugusto at CPTEC.INPE.BR
Wed Sep 13 10:28:43 EDT 2006

I have been used grib2ctl.pl script to deal with grib data in grads. I've
been  created several .idx and .ctl archieves from my grib data files. Then,
I would like to deal with all those .ctl files using just one .ctl file with
the options template inside it, however when I open the template.ctl the
following message rises:

ga-> open fnl_0403.ctl
 Scanning description file:  fnl_0403.ctl
 Open Error:  Can't open Station/Index map file fnl_0403%d2_%h2_00.idx
  --> The invalid description file record is:
  --> index ^fnl_0403%d2_%h2_00.idx

  The data file was not opened.

my .ctl file with templates starts as

dset ^fnl_0403%d2_%h2_00
index ^fnl_0403%d2_%h2_00.idx
undef 9.999E+20
options template
title fnl_040321_00_00
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p39a
dtype grib 3
options yrev
ydef 181 linear -90.000000 1
xdef 360 linear 0.000000 1.000000
tdef 36 linear 00Z21mar2004 06hr

what must I change in this .ctl file?

thanks in advance

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