回复: eof in grads

Diane Stokes Diane.Stokes at NOAA.GOV
Fri Oct 27 06:47:06 EDT 2006

Perhaps your .bash_profile isn't getting run.

Before you run grads, at your bash prompt, enter:

echo $GAUDFT

to see if that environmental variable is actually set (and set correctly).


dongdong wrote:
> Hi friends,
>    I meet with the same problems when installing eofgrads in station. I did add eofudf entry and set GARDFT variable, what's the matter? I have been troubled for days, Can you help me? Thanks in advance!
>   my steps are:
> 1. Our machine is SGI,so i download
> eofgrads_sgi.tar.gz and unpack it at my home path
> 2. follow suggestions by the web
> chdd at weather:~> pwd
> /weather4/chdd/
> chdd at weather:~> tar -zxvf eofgrads_sgi.tar.gz
> chdd at weather:~> mkdir -p GrADS/GrADSscript
> chdd at weather:~> cp eof.gs GrADS/GrADSscript
> chdd at weather:~> mkdir -p GrADS/UDF
> chdd at weather:~> cp eofudf GrADS/UDF
> chdd at weather:~> vi GrADS/udft
> eofudf 2 6 expr value value value value char
> sequential
> /climate4/chdd/GrADS/UDF/eofudf
> /climate4/chdd/GrADS/UDF/eofudf.out
> /climate4/chdd/GrADS/UDF/eofudf.in
> chdd at weather:~> vi .bash_profile
> export GASCRP=/weather4/chdd/GrADS/GrADSscript/
> export GAUDFT=/weather4/chdd/GrADS/udft
>   After that, I did eof analysis in GrADS and it comes with a warning.
> ga-> q file
> File 1 : data.uvq.ERA/q%y4.grb
>   Descriptor: q.ctl
>   Binary: data.uvq.ERA/q%y4.grb
>   Type = Gridded
>   Xsize = 144  Ysize = 73  Zsize = 23  Tsize = 540
>   Number of Variables = 1
>     qprs 23 133 ** Specific humidity kg kg**-1
> ga->
> ga-> q dim
> Default file number is: 1
> X is varying   Lon = 70 to 140   X = 29 to 57
> Y is varying   Lat = 0 to 60   Y = 37 to 61
> Z is fixed     Lev = 1000  Z = 1
> T is varying   Time = 00Z01SEP1957 to 00Z01AUG1958  T
> = 1 to 12
> ga->
> ga-> eof qprs
>       Writing data to transfer file...
>       Executing eof binary ...
> Syntax Error:  Invalid Operand
>   'eofudf' not a variable or function name
>   Error ocurred at column 1
> DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
>   Expression = eofudf(qprs,12,12,-1,70,qprs_)
>    eof.gs: First call of eofudf returned Error. STOP
> ga->
> ----- 原始邮件 ----
> 发件人: Diane Stokes <Diane.Stokes at NOAA.GOV>
> 已发送: 2006/10/26(周四), 下午11:50:12
> 主题: Re: eof in grads
> Dear Suha,
> It's possible you didn't add the eofudf entry to your UDF table file (or
> create that file if you didn't already have one) and/or you didn't set
> environment variable GAUDFT to point to your UDF table file.  In Win2k,
> you can set env vars from the Control Panel:
>    Control Panel->System->Advanced
>       Diane
> suha aslam wrote:
>> Dear Gradsusers,
>>         Following the website
>> http://www.atmos.ucla.edu/~munnich/grads/EOF/index.html
>> i tried to install the tool to compute eof in grads on my Windows2000
>> computer. The site does not clearly tells how to install it in a windows
>> machine. I tried it and the following error messages pop up.
>> ga-> sdfopen d:\rhum.mon.mean.nc
>>         Scanning self-describing file:  d:\rhum.mon.mean.nc
>>         Found 1 data variables in SDF file.
>>         Found displayable variable rhum with 8 levels in SDF file.
>>         SDF file d:\rhum.mon.mean.nc is open as file 1
>>         LON set to 0 360
>>         LAT set to -90 90
>>         LEV set to 1000 1000
>>         Time values set: 1948:1:1:0 1948:1:1:0
>> ga-> set t 1 20
>>         Time values set: 1948:1:1:0 1949:8:1:0
>> ga-> eof rhum
>>        Writing data to transfer file...
>>        Executing eof binary ...
>>        Syntax Error:  Invalid Operand
>>        'eofudf' not a variable or function name
>>        Error ocurred at column 1
>>        DISPLAY error:  Invalid expression
>>        Expression = eofudf(rhum,20,12,-1,70,rhum_)
>>        eof.gs: First call of eofudf returned Error. STOP
>> ga->
>>          what could have been wrong?  can anybody used to this tool help
>> me? when i tried to install it on linux (Redhat enterprise workstation)
>> the situation was even worse. A help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> suha
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Diane Stokes
Environmental Modeling Center
National Weather Service/NOAA

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