how to use vint to calculate vertical integrated watervapor transport?

dongdong happydong365 at YAHOO.COM.CN
Sun Oct 15 04:17:34 EDT 2006

Dear Grads-user friends:
    I want to figure out water vapor transport over
some areas, but the result looks like wrong. i
attached my gs file and control files. Can you help me
with finding out the wrong? Thank you very much !

u.ctl  :
dset ^data.uvq.ERA/u%y4.grb
index ^data.uvq.ERA/u%y4.grb.idx
undef 9.999E+20
title data.uvq.ERA/u5709.0208.grb
*  produced by grib2ctl v0.9.12.5p33k
dtype grib 255
options yrev template
ydef 73 linear -90.000000 2.5
xdef 144 linear 0.000000 2.500000
tdef 540 linear 00Z01sep1957 1mo
zdef 23 levels
1000 925 850 775 700 600 500 400 300 250 200 150 100
70 50 30 20 10 7 5 3 2 1
vars 1
Uprs 23 131,100,0 ** U-velocity m s**-1

v.ctl , q.ctl and z.ctl are alike except for the vars.
here, i only post vars in the different control files
v.ctl :  Vprs 23 131,100,0 ** V-velocity m s**-1
q.ctl :  Qprs 23 133,100,0 ** Specific humidity kg
z.ctl :   Zprs 23 129,100,0 ** Geopotential (at the
surface = orography) m**2 s**-2

the gs file which is to calculate watervapor is:
'open /weather4/chdd/'
'open /weather4/chdd/'
'open /weather4/chdd/'
'open /weather4/chdd/'
'set lon 20 180'
'set lat -30 60'
'set lev 1000 1'
'set t 1 540'
'set z 1'
'define fuq = vint(zprs.4, uprs*qprs.3, 300)'
'define fvq = vint(zprs.4, vprs.2*qprs.3, 300)'

*** get monthly average of u,v,q
* the begining record is 1957.9, so i set 't+4' as to
make the first record as january)
'set t 1 12'
'define Umonthly = ave(uprs,t+4,t=540,1yr)'
'define Vmonthly = ave(vprs.2,t+4,t=540,1yr)'
'define FUQmonthly = ave(fuq,t+4,t=540,1yr)'
'define FVQmonthly = ave(fvq,t+4,t=540,1yr)'

*** get summer average of u,v,qflux
'define Usummer = ave(Umonthly,t=6,t=8)'
'define Vsummer = ave(Vmonthly,t=6,t=8)'
'define FUQsummer = ave(FUQmonthly,t=6,t=8)'
'define FVQsummer = ave(FVQmonthly,t=6,t=8)'
'set gxout vector'
'set t 1'
'set mpdset cnworld'
'd Usummer;Vsummer;mag(FUQsummer,FVQsummer)'

the water transport(in attachment) is not consistent
with formal study, Can you share me some time with my
Thank you and Best Regards!

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