incorrect documentation for intrinsic function read

Stefan Fronzek sfronzek at SONNENKINDER.ORG
Fri Oct 6 05:06:28 EDT 2006


the documentation for the intrinsic function "read" says that it reads in
"maximum of 80 characters" per call. This appears to be incorrect as I was
able to read in 596 characters with one call of the read-function.

Does anyone know if the maximum number of characters for the read-function
is independent on e.g. the operating system or the grads configuration?

I am running Grads on cygwin/Windows, the config can be seen below.

Best regards,

ga-> q config
Config: v1.8SL11 32-bit little-endian readline sdf/xdf netcdf DODS-enabled
lats athena im/image-output printim

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