Masking wind vectors

Mary Jo Nath Mary-Jo.Nath at NOAA.GOV
Thu May 25 18:25:20 EDT 2006

Maskout is what I use. If you wanted, for example, to not plot vectors when
the speed is less than some threshold value, do this:

define threshold=1.0
define speed=mag(u,v)
d maskout(u,speed-threshold);v

should mask out vectors whose magntude is less than threshold (since
speed-threshold < 0). You only need
to maskout u or v, not both, since if either u or v is "missing" or
masked, then the vector will not be plotted.

Mary Jo

Jim Benedict wrote:
> I've got a 2D vector plot of horizontal winds.  I'm trying to plot
> only those vectors whose magnitudes are greater than some arbitrary
> value.  Is there a quick and easy way to do this?  I tried the
> 'maskout' command but couldn't get it to work correctly.
> Thanks,
> Jim

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