problems with defined variables!

Thomas Spengler thomas.spengler at ENV.ETHZ.CH
Mon May 15 07:42:33 EDT 2006

Dear all,

I am experiencing problems with self-defined variables.

Let 't' be the temperature from my netcdf-file.

I can then define a variable 't1' as (z is varying between 1 and 21):

set z 2 20
define t1=t(z-1)

't1' one will be a replica of 't' with a shift in the vertical.

When I now try to reproduce 't' out of 't1',

define t2=t1(z+1)

I end up with t2 being only defined on one level.

Does anyone have a solution to the problem in order to be able to
recover 't' properly.

Thanks so much for your help!


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