Track of the tropical cyclone

sajjad saeed sajjad_met at HOTMAIL.COM
Thu May 11 06:50:36 EDT 2006

Dear all,

I am trying to plot the track of the the tropical cyclone during october
1999 in Bay of Bengal I am us a script and data file given below, i am
getting the following error.

Enter File Name: (type q to stop)
SC track data
lon     lat     time/date
marktype, marksize, lcolor, lstyle and lthick:
98.81 12.53 95.45 14.27 26/00z
starting hour and the interval hours of plotting points:
  92.88 15.88
DRAW error: Syntax is DRAW MARK marktype x y size
SC track data is working fine.
Enter File Name: (type q to stop)
I would very much appreciate your kind guidance

The script i am using is

function main()
  'open pmdada.paj9oct.16222.regrid.ctl'
'set lat 0 30'
'set lon 70 100'
'set mpdset hires'
'set poli on'
'draw map'

say 'Enter File Name: (type q to stop)'
pull fname

while (fname != 'q')

*  Read the 1st record: Title

ret = read(fname)
rc = sublin(ret,1)
if (rc>0)
      say 'File Error 1'
title = sublin(ret,2)
say title

*  Read the drawing primitives

ret = read(fname)
rc = sublin(ret,1)
if (rc>0)
     say 'File Error 2'
dpline = sublin(ret,2)
marktype = subwrd(dpline,1)
marksize = subwrd(dpline,2)
ret = read(fname)
rc = sublin(ret,1)
if (rc>0)
     say 'File Error 3'
dpline = sublin(ret,2)
lcolor = subwrd(dpline,1)
lstyle = subwrd(dpline,2)
lthick = subwrd(dpline,3)
say ' marktype, marksize, lcolor, lstyle and lthick:'
say ' 'marktype ' ' marksize ' ' lcolor ' ' lstyle ' ' lthick

* Read starting hour and the interval hours of plotting points

ret = read(fname)
rc = sublin(ret,1)
if (rc>0)
     say 'File Error 4'
dhour = sublin(ret,2)
start = subwrd(dhour,1)
jump = subwrd(dhour,2)
say ' starting hour and the interval hours of plotting points:'
say '  'start' 'jump

*  Read all data points

ret = read(fname)
rc = sublin(ret,1)
while (rc = 0)
      loc = sublin(ret,2)
      hour = subwrd(loc,1)
      dlong.hour = subwrd(loc,2)
      dlat.hour = subwrd(loc,3)
*      prompt ' hour ' hour ' are read,'
*      say ' long=' dlong.hour '    lat=' dlat.hour
      ret = read(fname)
      rc = sublin(ret,1)

if (rc!=2 & rc!=0)
         say 'File Error 5, rc=' rc

endhour = hour
say ' endhour=' endhour

* Plotting

'set line 'lcolor' 'lstyle' 'lthick
'query w2xy 'dlong.start' 'dlat.start
xprev = subwrd(result,3)
yprev = subwrd(result,6)
'draw mark 'marktype' 'xprev' 'yprev' 'marksize
next = start+jump
while (next <= endhour)
*      say ' 'dlong.start' 'dlat.start
      'query w2xy '' '
      xnext = subwrd(result,3)
      ynext = subwrd(result,6)
      'draw line 'xprev' 'yprev' 'xnext' 'ynext
*      say ' 'xprev' 'yprev' 'xnext' 'ynext
      'draw mark 'marktype' 'xnext' 'ynext' 'marksize
      next = next+jump
      xprev = xnext
      yprev = ynext

say fname ' is working fine.'

* read in the filename to be plotted next

say 'Enter File Name: (type q to stop)'
pull fname



The data file i am using is


lon     lat     time/date
98.81   12.53   25/00z
95.45   14.27   26/00z
92.88   15.88   27/00z
91.60   16.95   28/00z
91.92   18.55   29/00z
94.16   20.42   30/00z

Thankyou in advance

Sajjad Saeed

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