Herbert ter Maat
herbert.termaat at WUR.NL
Wed Jun 28 08:44:17 EDT 2006
Dear all,
I have posted this question before, but this problem keeps on bugging me.
I am using GrADS under Windows using Exceed as an X-window server (xwin32).
However, I am getting the same problem using the version of GrADS with its
own window (win32e).
The day before yesterday I could use GrADS without any problem, but
yesterday after I installed Quicktime/iTunes I got a stackdump-error in
Grads.exe.stackdump (see at the bottom of this e-mail message). After
uninstalling Quicktime again, I was able to use GrADS (xwin32) without any
problems. This has occured to me numerous times, using various
software-packages, during the last months and this is getting highly annoying.
Is there any workaround for this? Or are there any other good advices for
this to be solved? *besides the fact that I should change operating system :-P*
Thanks in advance,
Herbert ter Maat
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=61072770
eax=615D0958 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=6E617274 esi=FFFFFFFF edi=0023E85C
ebp=0023EBE0 esp=0023D938 program=C:\Program Files\PCGrADS\win32\Grads.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003B gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0023EBE0 61072770 (0023F300, 6E617274, 0A042150, 00000003)
0023EC10 61073FEA (00000003, 0023F300, 6E617274, 0A042150)
0023EC30 6101451B (0023F300, 6E617274, 0A042150, 00000018)
0023EC50 610145B1 (0023F300, 6E617274, 0023EDB0, 0023F1F0)
0023FDB0 00401943 (726F462F, 6E617274, 302E392F, 3341492F)
32140 [main] Grads 3168 handle_exceptions: Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION
33170 [main] Grads 3168 handle_exceptions: Error while dumping state
(probably corrupted stack)
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