hybrid pressure

Rod Teck Rodney.Teck at NUIM.IE
Thu Jun 8 04:04:09 EDT 2006


Take a look at NCAR Command Language NCL

This should do what you require


At 08:49 06/06/2006 +0200, you wrote:
>Does anyone knows how to transform from hybrid pressure levels to standard
>pressures levels.  I am using the HadCM3 model output.
>Ruth Cerezo-Mota
>University of Oxford
>email: cerezo at atm.ox.ac.uk

Rod Teck
Geography Department
Rhetoric House
NUI Maynooth
Co Kildare

email Rodney.Teck at nuim.ie
Tel: 00353 17083769
"The dream of yesterday, is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow"
   R.H.Goddard (father of American rocket science).
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