Help using GFS GRIB files

Massimo Aceti massimo.aceti at METEOGIORNALE.IT
Tue Jun 6 04:53:08 EDT 2006

Brian Gaze wrote:
> I've generated control and descriptor files successfully for GRIB files downloaded from NOAA for the GFS forecasting model. I'm able to open the ctl file and query file to see the list of variables available. This looks ok. However, when I set the lat, lon, level and time and then try to run a d variable_name no plot is generated. An error message is instead returned.
> Is there sometihng else I need to be doing from within GRADS before being able to generate images from these datasets? Does anyone know if there are examples of actually doing this?
> Thanks
> Brian

First you need perl,, gribmap and, if grads run under
windows, dos2unix utility

and then

ga->!perl -verf gfs.grb > gfs.ctl

## under windows
ga->!dos2unix gfs.ctl

ga->!gribmap -i gfs.ctl

that's all


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