background map
Davide Sacchetti
davide.sacchetti at ARPAL.ORG
Fri Jul 28 05:31:10 EDT 2006
supposing input format to be correct, the problem could be on the output
file: in the fortran open statement, the RECL keyword behaves
differently upon different fortran compilers ...
here you have RECL=3
try with RECL=12
bye bye
On Fri, 2006-07-28 at 10:52 +0200, enrico pisoni wrote:
> Dears
> I found a Fortran program on the GRADSUSR, kindly shared by Rupa Kumar
> Kolli (Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology), that transform a file
> lon,lat of the following form:
> 2
> 6.000 41.000
> 17.000 47.000
> in a background map (i.e. named rupres), that it's possible to use in
> grads with:
> 'set mpdset rupres'
> But in grads I obtain the following error, invoking the 'set mpdset rupres':
> 'Map file format error: Invalid rec type 0 rec num 2'
> Someone can tell me which is the problem?
> I attach here Fortran Code I'm using
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> c
> c Program to prepare customized background map for GrADS from a
> c text file containing line segments in (longitude,latitude)
> c coordinates.
> c
> c By Rupa Kumar Kolli, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology
> c kolli at
> c December 10, 1997
> c
> c Input File Format:
> c The input file can contain any number of line segments.
> c Each segment starts with the number of pairs of coordinates (I8)
> c The coordinates should be listed from the subsequent record,
> c as longitude,latitude pair (2F8.3), one pair per line.
> c
> c Example:
> c
> c 5
> c 209.830 -76.580
> c 211.500 -76.750
> c 212.830 -76.420
> c 211.830 -76.170
> c 209.830 -76.580
> c
> c
> c 1. Longitudes should be in the range 0 to 360 (No negative
> c values !).
> c
> c 2. Latitudes should be in the range -90 (South Pole) to 90
> c (North Pole).
> c
> c For lines across this meridian, split them into two parts,
> c with a common point between them. Use the value 360.0 for
> c Greenwich meridian if you are moving towards it from west to
> c east, and the value 0.0 if you are moving from east to west.
> c That is, you cannot jump from 359.0 to 0.0; this will wrap
> c the line across the whole globe !
> c
> c 4. The maximum number of points (pairs of coordinates) in a
> c single segment is 255.
> c
> c 5. Don't use GrADS standard file names (lowres, mres and hires)
> c for the output file (e.g., rupres). Preserve them for
> c standard use.
> c
> c 6. After generating the GrADS map background file, copy it to a
> c path where GrADS looks for its support files (generally the$FGPR
> c path defined in $GADDIR)
> c
> c 7. Finally, start GrADS and give the command
> c 'set mpdset filename':
> c e.g.,
> c set mpdset rupres
> c
> c 8. This program was developed on a HP 9000/720 machine running
> c HP-UX 9.0 operating system. It could work on other
> c platforms as well, but I have not tested.
> c
> byte ihead(3),ilon(4),ilat(4)
> integer lon,lat
> equivalence (lon,ilon), (lat,ilat)
> c
> c Open the input and output files
> c
> open(10,file='rupres.txt',status='old')
> open(20,file='rupres',form='unformatted',access='direct',recl=3)
> c
> c Initialize the first two header-record bytes: always 1$FGPR
> c
> ihead(1)=1
> ihead(2)=1
> irec=0
> nsegs=0
> c
> c Read the number of pairs in this segment.
> c Leave the loop if end of file is reached.
> c
> 99 read(10,1,end=100)npairs
> 1 format(i8)
> nsegs=nsegs+1
> if ( then
> print *,'Number of pairs in Segment No.',nsegs,' exceeds 255 !'
> stop 'Job Aborted'
> endif
> c
> c Write the header record (3 bytes)
> c The third byte indicates the number of pairs
> c of values following (maximum=255)
> c
> ihead(3)=npairs
> irec=irec+1
> write(20,rec=irec)ihead
> c
> c Loop over the current segment
> c
> do 10 i=1,npairs
> c
> c Read one pair of coordinates (Longitude,Latitude)
> c
> read(10,2)alon,alat
> 2 format(2f8.3)
> c
> c Convert the values to integers, in GrADS readable format
> c
> lon=int(alon*10000.)+0.5
> lat=int((alat+90.)*10000.)+0.5
> c
> c Write the last three-bytes of lon and lat on the output file
> c
> irec=irec+1
> write(20,rec=irec)(ilon(k),k=2,4)
> irec=irec+1
> write(20,rec=irec)(ilat(k),k=2,4)
> 10 continue
> c
> c Go back to read next line segment
> c
> goto 99
> 100 print *,'Total Number of Segments Processed=',nsegs
> close (10)
> close (20)
> stop 'Normal Termination'
> end
> ----------------------------------------------------------
Sacchetti Davide
ARPAL UO3 Centro Meteo Idrologico Regione Liguria - Dir. Scientifica
V.le Brigare Partigiane 2 16121 Genova (I)
tel: +39 010 6437535
mail: davide.sacchetti at web:
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