India meteorological subdivisions

jon Jon.K.Eischeid at NOAA.GOV
Tue Jan 24 10:12:46 EST 2006

Thanks Jennifer.... I appreciate your help and I do understand/realize the
political boundaries thing (I'm a long time grads user)...

I still need to move on though with the latest/greatest data... does
anybody have
the digitized boundaries which split up the older regions 19 and 20 into
19, 20, and 27...?


Jennifer Adams wrote:
> Jon,
> GrADS isn't very good at keeping up to date with political boundaries
> (I can almost hear some members of the list laughing out load at this
> gigantic understatement). The data and scripts on have
> not been touched in almost three years, so it doesn't surprise me that
> what you found at (the original source) is different.
> Stick with the original source for the most accurate info.
> Jennifer
> On Jan 24, 2006, at 9:14 AM, jon wrote:
>> Hi Jennifer,
>> I am still attempting to parse the differences in the data in the
>> following two links;
>> both links were reached from the one you sent below.
>> The first link has data through 2000 and 29 regions which match the
>> polygon file you noted but do not match
>> the division in the second link which has  data through 2004.  The
>> principal difference
>> is that the updated file includes region 27 (Chattigraph) which has
>> apparently been
>> merged into region 20 (East Madhya Pradesh) along with part of region
>> 19
>> (West Madhya Pradesh).
>> If anybody has any information/guidance, I sure would appreciate it....
>> Regards,
>> Jon
>> Jennifer Adams wrote:
>>> Jon,
>>> This is your lucky day! Everything you need is right here:
>>> Look under the "Subdivisional Rainfall" heading for an ascii file
>>> containing the coordinates of the subdivisional boundaries, the GrADS
>>> map file to draw the map over them, and a set of GrADS scripts to
>>> show you how to draw images like the one you linked to and the ones
>>> under
>>> Jennifer
>>> On Jan 19, 2006, at 4:19 PM, jon wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Would anybody know  where one could find the digitized boundaries
>>>> of the
>>>> meteorological  subdivisions  in India as shown in the link below...?
>>>> Thank you.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Jon K. Eischeid
> --
> Jennifer Miletta Adams
> Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
> 4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
> Calverton, MD 20705 USA
> jma at

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