B/W print!

Maisa Rojas Corradi maisa at DGF.UCHILE.CL
Mon Jan 9 08:43:06 EST 2006

I have just downloaded and installed grads version 1.9b4 in my computer.
Everythings seems to work fine compared to the older version
(grads-1.8sl11) I had before, except, that I am trying to convert a meta
file to BLACK and WHITE EPS file using: gxeps -i ppp -o file.eps, but the
eps file comes out in COLOR!!! Is there a way to force a BW output? (the
meta file was in color, but I want the eps file to be in gray scale!!)

Many thanks,

Maisa Rojas Corradi
Departamento de Geofisica
Universidad de Chile
Blanco Encalada 2002
Tel: 978 43 00

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