CHSUB and grads1.9b4 for Intel/Linux

Jennifer Adams jma at COLA.IGES.ORG
Tue Feb 7 11:20:26 EST 2006

On Feb 7, 2006, at 5:32 AM, Mircea Mihaela wrote:

> Hi,
> does somebody know why CHSUB gives the following message:
>  "NetCDF Error (nc_get_vara_float): Index exceeds dimension bound" for
> the
> Intel/Linux version 1.9b4 of grads?
> I have the version 3.6 of netcdf and the file I use is ca. 0.4GB.
> I do not have any error if I do "sdfopen filename".
> I get the error I wrote above if I do in a ctl file:
> "DSET %ch
> CHSUB 1 n filename"
Why are you using CHSUB if all the time steps are in one file? How
about just
DSET filename

As for 'index exceeds dimension bound' error message...
What do you have in your descriptor file for the variable declaration?
What does it say about the dimensions of that variable in the ncdump


> "n" is the no. of records for time as given by ncdump.
> Same ctl and gs files works with the SUN version of grads 1.9b4.
> Thank you very much in advance for your answers.
> All the best,
> Mihaela
Jennifer Miletta Adams
Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (COLA)
4041 Powder Mill Road, Suite 302
Calverton, MD 20705 USA
jma at

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