Grads scripting language

bhatt vihang vihang_75 at YAHOO.COM
Thu Feb 2 00:05:27 EST 2006


it is true that grads gives segmentation faults for
large amount of iterations. i also faced the same
problem when i was converting the binarry files in
ascii. but it was also true that the segmentation
faults came at different spacial location in different
machines. I worked out the same script and data on
three different HP-UX machines having different RAM.

I believe segmentation faults dependes a lot on system
environment and memory managment of the program. I
think grads needs to improve upon the memory

i feel that grads is not able to handle a large amount
of data. (try to plot etopo2 for globe at its original

well each software has some limitations but one must
understand the way in which the arrays are being
processed for any application software.

hope the discussion will continue.

vihang bhatt

--- Davide Sotil Bertanzetti <davide at CEAM.ES> wrote:

> >On Tue, 31 Jan 2006, Tom Pollard wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> Thanks for all of the quick responses.
> >>
> >> On Jan 31, 2006, at 3:00 PM, Jennifer Adams
> wrote:
> >> > Take a look at
> >> > You have to tweak a few things in your scripts,
> but this capability
> >> > allows you to call your own library of small
> functions.
> >>
> >> Ok, I didn't know about this.  It's no exactly
> what I had in mind,
> >> but it looks much better than nothing.
> >>
> >> > On Jan 31, 2006, at 2:51 PM, Tom Pollard wrote:
> >> >> If I can ask a provocative question, are
> people really happy with the
> >> >> scripting language?  I started to work on
> writing some scripts last
> >> >> year and found the language to be very
> limiting in a number of ways.
> >> >> The main thing that bothered me was that
> didn't seem to be possible
> >> >> to load one script from another, which
> prevents you from building up
> >> >> libraries of reusable functions.  Has anyone
> considered using Tcl or
> >> >> Python as an alternative scripting language?
> If so, I'd love to help
> >> >> work on this, in my (admittedly limited) free
> time.
> >> It sounds like the answer is "no" - no one else
> is interested in
> >> trying to integrate Tcl or Python as a scripting
> language for Grads?
> >>
> >> Tom
> >>
> Hello.
> I like this subject. I would like to comment 2
> problems I have found when
> making grads scripts, because I am not sure if the
> cause is how I wrote them
> or if there are some grads known scripting
> limitations.
> 1-Has anyone found some problems when using looping
> constructs?. I have
> found "segment faults" when nesting some
> while...endwhile looping constructs
> with a sufficiently elevated number of iterations. I
> solved the problem
> making a linux shell program to externally control
> some of the loops, so
> GRADS hadn't to execute so much iterations.
> 2-Has anyone found some problems with smooth program
> execution?. I mean, in
> my scripts, sometimes, without a clear cause, the
> program seems to freeze at
> a point apparently doing nothing (at a "say"
> statement for an example). I
> solved the problem using linux shell and/or FORTRAN
> and making GRADS to
> execute just the minimal operations.
> I have been programming (or fighting) with grads
> scripting language
> approximately for about a year and my sensations are
> that this language
> seems to be good just for really minimal operations
> but "unstable" and not
> so efficient for more complicated tasks,  compared
> to linux shell and
> FORTRAN scripts. Maybe I'm wrong, is there someone
> who has this feelings or
> I am the only one?.
> Any comment will be appreciated, thanks!
> Davide Sotil Bertanzetti.

Vihang Bhatt
Project Scientist
Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi
Hauz Khas
New Delhi

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