byteswapped and yrev

Douglas Clark dbcl at CEH.AC.UK
Wed Feb 1 05:44:34 EST 2006

I'm not sure I can give you much detail, beyond what's in the web
documentation, but here are the basics:

'yrev' means that the data are stored in your file in "north to south"
Without yrev, GrADS expects the data to be stored in "south to north"
order, that is, the southernmost row of data first, then the next
row...,ending with the northernmost row (eg 90S, 80S, 70S,...,80N,
With yrev, the northernmost row is stored first (eg 90N, 80N,...).
GrADS uses yrev when it reads data from the file, so that it knows to
reverse the row order before plotting.

'byteswapped' means that the order of the bytes in the data file is not
the default for your computer. Again, GrADS uses this when it reads data
in. If you only ever use GrADS on the same computer that you use to
write the data files, chances are you won't ever need byteswapped. (The
little_endian and big_endian options are argueably more useful, as the
ctl files can then be used on any machine, regardless of byte order).

Often you don't need either of the yrev or byteswapped options - it
just depends on your data files.


>>> njyothi at CDAC.IN 01/02/2006 10:03:24 >>>
Hello Grads Users
        I haven't entirely understood the 'yrev' and 'byteswapped'
in grads. Can someone pls explain these options in detail?


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