gfs grib data

Wesley Ebisuzaki Wesley.Ebisuzaki at NOAA.GOV
Wed Aug 30 09:49:30 EDT 2006


       To convert from grib2 to grib1, try using the program "cnvgrib"
written by Steve Gilbert of NCEP/NOAA.  "wgrib2" doesn't have
the ability to write grib1 files.

             Wesley Ebisuzaki


    Grib2 files are much smaller than grib1 files.  Downloading grib2
and converting them to grib1 can be faster than downloading grib1 files.


Lee Byerle wrote:
> Elizabeth,
> Try the wgrib2 utility to convert to grib edition 1:
> e.g. wgrib2 -g21 grib2filename -o converted_grib1_file.out
> This converts the grib2 to grib1 and grib1 format can be used with GrADS.
> Lee
> On Tue, 29 Aug 2006, Sen Chiao wrote:
>> Elizabeth,
>> GrADS can't do grib2 format file. gfs.t12z.pgrb2fxx is grib2 format.
>> SC
>> On 8/29/06, Elizabeth Austin <ecarter at> wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am trying to plot current gfs grib data with grads. I am pulling from
>>> the site:
>>> I have tried the gfs.t12z.pgrb2fxx files
>>> also the
>>> gfs.t12z.pgrbfxx files
>>> when I run the grib2ctl command I get the message that the files are
>>> not
>>> grib format...any suggestions?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Elizabeth Austin
>>> _______________________________________
>>> Elizabeth J. Austin, Ph.D., C.C.M.
>>> President
>>> WeatherExtreme Ltd.
>>> Physical: 305 Cedar Drive, Stateline, NV 89449
>>> Mailing: P.O. Box 68 Zephyr Cove, NV 89448
>>> Phone: 775-588-4640
>>> Fax: 775-588-4642
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