Two different vertical scales!

Subodh Kumar Saha ssaha at AWI-POTSDAM.DE
Wed Aug 16 12:11:23 EDT 2006

Hello Matias,

This is because you are piloting the station value with larger range
later. One possibility would be to set range for the y axis, which will
the the maximum among all your station values. You can do that by using

set vrange -1.0  10.0

for this particular plot. If you have range larger than this in any
other station, then you need to change the range accordingly.


J. Matias Mendez Perez wrote:

>Hello GrADS users,
>I am trying to make a time series plot of precipitation, but when I
>display them, I get two different vertical scales as you can see in the
>attached figure.
>I've already tried using yaxis, but unfortunately labeled ticks don't
>have relation to data. How can I get same scale?.
>I hope someone can help me. Thank you very much.
>Best wishes,
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Subodh Kumar Saha
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar & Marine Research
Telegrafenberg A43
D-14473 Potsdam, Germany

ssaha at
subodhsaha at
Phone: +49 331 2882116
Fax:   +49 331 2882178

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