GrADS on Linux

Derek Goring nztideman at YAHOO.CO.NZ
Sun Apr 30 22:49:00 EDT 2006

I've installed GrADS on my Xandros linux box using the .deb file from:

  But when I run gradsdods from console, a window opens that is completely blank and black, while the commands appear in the console window.

  I've come from Win XP where when I run gradsdods from a DOS window another window opens and I get a GrADS DODS session.

  I must be missing something in the linux version or in my linux setup.
  Can anyone tell me what I'm missing?

Derek Goring
Mulgor Consulting Ltd
24 Brockworth Place
Christchurch, New Zealand
Phone: 64 3 343 5400
Mobile: 64 272 777 639
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