How to create good RGB colors sequence?

Alessandro Mandelli mandelli.alessandro at TISCALI.IT
Tue Sep 20 03:56:54 EDT 2005

----- Original Message -----
From: "Witold Interewicz" <yinter_robocze at WP.PL>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2005 9:28 AM
Subject: [GRADSUSR] How to create good RGB colors sequence?

> Hello,
> How to generate automatically (ie. not by hand) nice sequence of
> visually distinct RGB colors (to be used in sequence of
> 'set rgb <R> <G> <B>' commands)?

Take a good existing map, the color sequence of which is good for you.
Then pick the single colors with a image editing software color-pick
tool, able to return RGB values.
Copy the numbers into a text file, by preceeding the numbers with "set
rgb <num>".
Save the file as a .gs file and call it within a script whenever shaded
is required.
Be sure to credit the owner of the color sequence, if any at all, before
anybody comes out blaming you should incorporate the credits for

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