plotting pressure perturbations

Heiner Körnich heiner at MISU.SU.SE
Thu Sep 8 03:30:56 EDT 2005


just define the time mean and remove it from your data:
'define meanp=ave(pressure,t=1,t=100)'
'define pertp=pressure-meanp'

Hope it will help,

Morgan Silverman wrote:

>I would like to plot the pressure perturbations of 2D flow over a 1km
>mountain. When I try to plot the pressure now it just plots the pressure
>levels which vary very little during time. Is there a way I can plot the
>change in pressure.

Heiner Körnich
Dept. of Meteorology                    Tel:    +46 8 164333
Stockholms University
S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden              Email:  heiner at

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