Displaying u and v wind data from two separate files

Shailendra Rai r_shail77 at REDIFFMAIL.COM
Mon Sep 5 07:28:51 EDT 2005

You can not read the data file directly from Grads but you can plot this by running gradsnc and opening the file with gradsnc. The output can be written in Binary format. Then you can write a simple code to read the binary file and write in Ascii format using Format.


On Mon, 05 Sep 2005 Arpita Mandal wrote :
>hi i have  a netcdf file pressure.nc. how can i read the data in GRADS
>without writing FORTRAN program. is there any command like set gxout
>fwrite. i have used that . the ouputs are written in binary form. how can
>i read them.
>thank you

Shailendra Rai                                
K. Banerjee Centre of Atmospheric and Ocean Studies 
University of Allahabad
Phone 09415649617
Telefax +915322460974 
Mail ID r_shail1977 at yahoo.co.in 

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