user defined functions

Maisa Rojas Corradi maisa at DGF.UCHILE.CL
Fri Oct 28 15:39:15 EDT 2005

I am having problems using the user define function LTERP.
I get the following message:
Error from lterp:  Could not open udf.lterp.gfi
Error from lterp: Error opening transfer file

and effectively, in the directory where I downloaded and compiled ltrep
the is no *gfi nor udf.lterp.gfo files.

In the distribution I have the README file says:
2.0  Building

the tarball lterp.tar contains the following files:

 14204 2000-01-27 15:52:30 lterp.c      - app
 45688 2002-05-21 08:33:56 grads.h      - grads header
   405 2002-05-21 08:35:37 Makefile     - makefile
  1111 2002-05-21 08:38:05 bswap.c      - sample from gaio.c for byteswapping
   178 2002-05-21 08:40:16 README       - this file
   100 2002-05-21 08:42:56 udft.lterp   - UDFT entry for lterp

The application in Makefile is ../lterp.exe and is built by running make.
...and all those files are there...should the missing files be generated
when compiling? Do I have to write them?

any help  highly appreciated!

Maisa Rojas Corradi
Departamento de Geofisica
Universidad de Chile
Blanco Encalada 2002
Tel: 978 43 00

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