Comments on building GrADS from source
Tom Pollard
Thu Oct 27 12:16:47 EDT 2005
Hi Jennifer,
On Oct 27, 2005, at 11:14 AM, Jennifer Adams wrote:
> I never thought an email thread about auto-configure systems would
> make
> me feel warm and fuzzy inside, but it has been a cruel and lonely
> business trying to compile and link GrADS and its required
> libraries on
> all the unix flavors and it comforts me to find out there are others
> out there fighting the same battles.
If you've been handling all that by yourself, you've been doing a
great job. It's hard to maintain multiplatform builds.
> Re: GrADS configure system vs. "other" packages
> GrADS's dependence on supplibs cannot be avoided, unless you're
> willing
> to work in a fairly limited way with binary or grib data.
How could that be? If I have builds of HDF4, gds, libdap, libnc-dap,
gadods, rx and udunits, shouldn't I be able to build a fully working
copy of GrADS?
> Re: Building on a MacOSX 10.4 system, using gcc 4.0 and g95
> I struggled with this for a long time; it made me sorely regret
> upgrading to Tiger on my laptop.
I had some experiences like that, too. It's been much better after
installing XCode 2.1.
> Had a breakthrough not too long ago.
> It should not be necessary for you to build everything from scratch.
> You should be able to build/link with the compiled supplibs that we
> distribute that were built in the pre-panther days (can't even
> remember
> what name that was...) Grab this tarfile:
> darwin6.8.tar.gz
> With these supplibs, the only thing I needed to do was add:
> # include <fcntl.h>
> to grads.h -- this somehow allowed the compiler to know what to do
> with
> the off_t declarations. I have no idea why -- just a little bit of
> magic that google provided. See if that helps.
Thanks! I ran into that off_t error when I tried building against
the darwin supplibs. I figured the supplibs had been built long
enough ago that there were likely to be incompatibilities between
those binaries and anything I was building with the current gcc-4.0,
and that it might be better to rebuild everything with the same
compilers. But, I'll try again with this fix.
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