how to interpolate grid datas to station?

Juan Matias Mendez Perez matias at TROPOSFERA.ATMOSFCU.UNAM.MX
Fri Oct 21 10:48:10 EDT 2005

Hi everybody,

I've modified a script that I found at web. This script interpolates
from a grid field to a station (longitude, latitude). I've attached a
tar file with the following:     GrADS script to interpolate from grid

                           field to station (longitude,latitude)

list_stations.txt          Location of stations (longitud,latitud)

interp_pcp.asc             ascii output

You must modify the script according you want to. If you have a doubt
please send me a e-mail.  Good luck.

Greetings from Mexico

El jue, 20-10-2005 a las 08:40, dongdong escribió:
> Hello everybody,
>    I have two data sets, one is grid(ERA40), the other is
> station-observed . I want interpolating ERA40 to the
> places which contained in the station data set.
>    I am not familar with GrADS, Are there any commands can do this ?
>     Any help will be appreciated, thank you!
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