Rotated coordinate plot

Lee Byerle labyerle at MET.UTAH.EDU
Tue Oct 11 12:12:04 EDT 2005

I've had a similar dilemma in the past.  The way I got my rotated output
to true lat/lon was by specifying each of the grid points in the
model output as station data.  Then, plot the station data with an
interpolated grid using the oacres() function.  This involves the use of
an arbitrary, "dummy" lat/lon grid which the station data will be
interpolated to.  There are more details in the grads
documentation on station data and oacres().  Let me know if you would like
an example.

Good luck,

On Tue, 11 Oct 2005, Thomas Spengler wrote:

> Hello everybody!
> I hope anybody of your list can help me! I want to plot a rotated grid
> with grads. In other words I have the grid of the limited area model of
> MeteoSwiss with the north pole at 32.5°/-170°. The problem is that I
> probably have to transform my coordinates to lat/lon again. However, the
> grid is not symmetric then anymore and I have specific lat/lon values
> for each grid point. Maybe you know a nice possibility how to plot this
> grid with grads.
> Thank you very much in advance
> Yours,
> Thomas
> --
> Thomas Spengler
> Institute for Atmospheric and Climate Science
> Universitätsstrasse 16
> ETH Zentrum, CHN P 15.1
> CH-8092 Zürich
> Phone:    +41 44 633 27 46
> Fax:      +41 44 633 10 58
> E-Mail:   thomas.spengler at
> Homepage:

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