set time format

Madhusoodanan M.S. madhu at CAOS.IISC.ERNET.IN
Fri Oct 7 07:02:27 EDT 2005


you can set

'set time 21sep2001 16dec2001'
'set vrange 0 800'


On Fri, 7 Oct 2005, Ben Burford wrote:

> Hi,
> I hope there's an easy way to select a time range with the "set t" or "set t
> ime" (or some other) Grads command.
> I'm working with global 1 degree by 1 degree, 8 year GPCP dataset of daily p
> recipitation data.  I'm a Grads beginner, but if I  "set lat" and "set lon"
> to choose a single grid cell, then I can (for example) "set t 1 100" and the
> n "d data" and I will get a plot of the precipitation for the first 100 days
> of data.
> The data runs from Jan. 1, 1997 to Dec. 31, 2004.  If I want to plot a time
> series of precipitation from say August 5 to September 8, 2001 its pretty na
> sty to figure out the t values corresponding to those dates.  Is there a con
> venient format (using actual dates) for setting the time range for the data
> (for example, "set t August 5, 2001 September 8, 2001")?
> If not, is there a technique or tool in which I can enter the date and it wi
> ll give me the corresponding t value?  For example, I tell the tool that the
> start time is January 1, 1997, and then I tell it the date August 5, 2001 a
> nd it will give me the corresponding t value?  Maybe someone has a script fo
> r this???
> One further detail.  I want to produce a lot of time series plots of precipi
> tation and I want them all to have the same y axis magnitude (mm/day).  Is t
> here a way I can set the y-axis magnitude to be 0 to 800 mm/day, regardless
> of the actual data values?
> Much thanks for any help on this.
> Ben


Madhusoodanan M.S.
Centre for Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Indian Institute of Science
Bangalore, India - 560 012
Tel.    +91-80-23600450, +91-80-22932505 (Off) Extn.220
Mobile. +91-92421-67339
Fax.    +91-80-23600865

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