Binary file from NEC-SX6

Heiner Körnich heiner at MISU.SU.SE
Fri Nov 18 07:50:10 EST 2005

Hi Karina,

I used to do that and had no problem with "OPTIONS big_endian".

One thing to be carefull with on NEC-SX6 is the record length in fortran
binary files. this has to be multiplied with 4.
Here is an example:
     &              access='direct',form='unformatted',recl=4*nrec)
 nrec is the number of entries per write-command. On many machines you
only need recl=nrec.
But however I think, this would produce a different problem for you.


Karina Lindberg wrote:

>Are anyone running models on NEC-SX6 creating binary GRADS-files and then
>plotting these with GRADS on a different platform (f.ex. Linux) ?
>I am running a model on a NEC-SX6 creating binary GRADS-files which I want
>to look at with GRADS ran from Linux machine.
>The NEC-SX6 creates files with 64-bit and big-endian. The Linux machine has
> little-endian. I have tried to use the command
>OPTIONS byteswapped
>OPTIONS big_endian
>in my .ctl file but with no luck.
>Does anyone have any experience with this or some good advise?
>Thanks in advance for the help.
>Karina Lindberg

Heiner Körnich
Dept. of Meteorology                    Tel:    +46 8 164333
Stockholms University
SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden             Email:  heiner at

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